Software Configuration and Change Management

Integrated software configuration management and software change management help improve traceability and control across the software development lifecycle. In adition, your productivity will boost because of the enriched clients and centralized deployment models, your software delivery will be acccelerated by using Agile process support, your efficiency will increase with software reuse and your administration will be simplified.

GEBS Reporting’s experienced members will help your development team create effective development processes using high quality IBM Rational Tools like Team Concert, Rational ClearCase and Rational Synergy. We can also help you install and configure these tools on Windows, Linux, System Z and Power Systems.


IBM Rational Team Concert is a lean collaborative lifecycle management solution. It will help your company build better software and products with a complete lean development environment for teams, which includes agile, formal and hybrid planning and reporting, all on Jazz platform.


IBM Rational Synergy is a task-based, integrated configuration management solution for global software development. It brings together your global, distributed development teams on a unified change, configuration and release management platform.


IBM Rational Change, a Web-based, integrated, enterprise change management solution for request tracking and reporting, can help you increase quality by reducing the risk of unwanted or unauthorized changes being implemented. It can increase accountability through comprehensive change tracking and change control. It also helps unify software development, IT and other teams for effective decision making.


Rational ClearQuest offers comprehensive software change management, by providing change tracking, process automation, reporting and lifecycle traceability for better visibility and control of the software development lifecycle. It is an enterprise level workflow automation tool, by default being configured as a bug tracking system, but it can be configured to act as a CRM tool or to track a complex processes.

RPE ships with Data Services Adapter, a component that constructs a Reportable REST interface from a CQ repository.


Rational ClearCase offers software configuration management, version control, workspace management, parallel development support and build auditing. ClearCase can run on a number of platforms including AIX, z/OS, Linux, HP-UX, Solaris and Windows. It can handle large binary files, large numbers of files, and large repository sizes. It handles branching, labeling, and versioning of directories.

RPE ships with Data Services Adapter, a component that constructs a Reportable REST interface from a CQ repository.