Excel Converter for RPE
MS Excel Output driver for IBM Rational Publishing Engine
Get rid of endless lists and tedious manual tasks to convert data from various data sources into your spreadsheets. Connect your budgets, lists, project plans, overviews and diagrams directly to all your Rational systems, using GEBS Reporting Excel Converter.
Generate Excel documents from a wide range of Rational tools
Using the Excel Converter, RPE is able to generate Excel documents from a wide range of Rational tools: Rational RequisitePro, Rational DOORS, Rational Requirements Composer, Rational Team Concert, Rational Quality Manager, Unicom Focal Point, Rational Rhapsody and more.
Request trialWe are happy to offer you a full version of our software for 30 days so you can test it on your computer.
- Easy to deploy in Rational Publishing Engine, GEBS Reporting Web Publisher
- Advance options for images
- VBA support
- Support for most common RPE elements and their properties
- Also available as a standalone application. When packaged into a .jar file, the user can run this tool from the command line
- Easy to use and configure
- Provides support for RPE or earlier versions
- Doesn’t require for Microsoft Excel to be installed
- Seamless integration in the document generation workflow
- Use the XslFo file generated by RPE as input for Excel output
- Examples and documentation on designing RPE templates for best results