I found the training to be helpful and informative. I have some RPE experience, but yesterday’s training provided some very useful information that I will be able to apply to some of the templates that I have already created and currently working on.

Jennifer R. Hall
Requirements Management Engineer, CSE-Corp

GEBS Reporting » Tutorials


Generate traceability reports from CLM 2011 using IBM Rational Publishing Engine

  • October 25th, 2011
  • Author: hategan.oana
  • Category: Jazz
  • Discussion: No Comments

Current tutorial reveals the steps to follow in order to create a traceability document containing RRC Requirements, RQM Test Plans and related Test Cases and RTC Work Items.  Each of the above modules will be represented by a table with entries for each module element and links to elements description. The document will offer the option of tracing a requirement or a test case from a specific work item.

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RPE – Template formatting, Style and Stylesheet usage

Current tutorial reveals the use of different formatting options that exist within RPE environment, the basic steps in creating styles, even some advanced features of them. More, stylesheet will be used for the Word and Html output, to check how these can help for the final layouts. Also, you will see how you can make from all this tools an helpful hand in having your report customized and presentable.

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Using Rational Publishing Engine with Rational Rhapsody

This tutorial was created for all those users that need to generate documents from Rational Rhapsody using Rational Publishing Engine Tool.
At the end of this tutorial the user will know how to create an RPE template for Rhapsody, how to obtain a valid Rhapsody schema and how to run a document specification to extract data from Rational Rhapsody.
In this tutorial we are looking to extract all the Use Case Diagrams and the Sequence Diagrams of the Rhapsody project. For each diagram it will be displayed a set of diagram attributes and the diagram image if available.

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Using Rational Publishing Engine with Rational ClearQuest

This tutorial aims to help all users that want to publish documents from Rational ClearQuest, a powerful change management tool. Using Rational Publishing Engine, a Template will be created in order to extract all the Defects of a ClearQuest project and related information. The Defects will be displayed in a Table in the Microsoft Word output document.

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Using Rational Publishing Engine with Rational DOORS

The goal of this tutorial is to present the basic steps that a user has to perform in order to extract data from a specific DOORS Module, and to follow links to get information from all linked modules.
Also in this tutorial the user can find information about DOORS Schema Discovery process, advance filtering using Javascript, fancy Table formatting and some valuable information about defining and using variables in Master Pages.

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Using Rational Publishing Engine with Rational System Architect

A brief tutorial describing the initial steps in publishing documents from Rational System Architect with Rational Publishing Engine, using the REST interface exposed by the data source. It presents the proper way of starting the REST server from SA, the creation of the schema files, how to navigate the SA data and how to design a RPE template that re-configures data sources dynamically, based on how SA resources reference each-other. Since it focuses on SA-specific details, the tutorial presents a minimal styling and formatting of the document.

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Using Rational Publishing Engine with Rational RequisitePro

This tutorial presents extended information about using Rational Publishing Engine to extract data from Rational RequisitePro and create output documents to present in a friendly way the extracted data. Using Rational Publishing Engine, a Template will be created to extract all the Software Requirements of a RequisitePro Project.  The template will also contain additional structures like Table of Contents, Master Page, Title Page.

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