
GEBS Reporting PowerPoint Converter RAPC generates PowerPoint documents via RPE templates. As in the Excel Converter case, the result of the PowerPoint Converter can be open automatically. PowerPoint Converter can be considered to be the lightest output driver for Rational Publishing Engine. This extension establishes a fast connection to any Rational client to expose the data directly in PowerPoint format.

RPE is now able to export data into slides – the most friendly and common way to present information. You can reduce the amount of time it takes to create and maintain document presentations. With PowerPoint Converter, even the most abstract RPE data can be pushed forward and presented in a pleasant manner.


The RPE elements shall be handled through RPE, in the following manner :

  • Page break, Section Break, Masterpage – New slide
  • Header – title text box
  • Footer – text box at bottom (for slide number etc)
  • Paragraph –Text on new line
  • Text – inline simple text inside text box (on a new line if previous element requires it)
  • List&List detail – List&List detail
  • Image – Image
  • Styled Text – Text
  • Hyperlink – hyperlink
  • Table – table
  • Row – row
  • Cell – cell
  • Table Caption  – text
  • Figure Caption  – text
  • Page Number – page number

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PowerPoint Converter is available to be used as a plugin that can be embedded into IBM Rational Publishing Engine tool. It can be used as an output driver for Rational Publishing Engine to generate PowerPoint documents from multiple Rational tools like: Rational DOORS, Rational Requirements Composer, Rational RequisitePro, Rational Team Concert, Rational Quality Manager etc. The intermediary format is XslFo, so there is also possible to generate PowerPoint files from custom XslFo files generated by using various generation tools, other than RPE.


Within RPE, the PowerPoint file can be easily generated, by using a simple wizard where the XslFo input file is chosen, an optional PowerPoint stylesheet can be selected, and the PowerPoint output path. Finishing the wizard is just before the output document is automatically opened, as tens of slides can be generated instantly.


PowerPoint Converter supports the usage of a master slide as a stylesheet: thus, the user can have all its presentations carrying the same layout, with less effort.

RPE AND PowerPoint Converter – TEMPLATE DESIGN

The RPE template that is used to generate the XslFo file for the PPT slides, should be designed with a thought on the final goal. The user must keep in mind that space inside a PPT slide is limited, as the objects usually require large amounts of space for clearer visibility. Colors, font weight, space delimitation, etc, can bring to front various elements or data that the user needs to point, during a PPT presentation.

PowerPoint Converter handles the arrangement of the information within slides : the text boxes drawn a the end of a slide are moved or split to be continued on the next slide, if case § §When using master slides, the user should take into consideration their layout, to avoid image or text overlapping. The contents of a slide can be re-arranged, by fine tuning inside the RPE template. Even if the XslFo file does not reflect a small modification as the user wishes, the PPT might do so, as it can be considered in this case, a re-scaled version of XslFo.

Web Publisher AND PowerPoint Converter

Generating PowerPoint from RPE templates is now possible from a web browser, from anywhere. By having PowerPoint Converter integrated into Web Publisher, the user can have the PPT version of a report, simply by adding the PPT output after the XslFo output, so the PowerPoint shall be generated with the flow and integrated in the same archive file, as the other outputs.


The XslFo file generated by RPE represents the starting point for Power Point (and Excel)  file type, generated by PowerPoint Converter (and Excel Converter – for Excel). It requires specific costumization for obtaining best results, depending on the output type that needs to be generated.

The XslFo for Power Point needs to be simple, yet well structured and compact, when thinking about the information that it must contain. Use some of the best XslFo data converters, for viewing the xml type data into a more friendly and readable layout : it adds major help when designing the RPE template, before generating Power Point out of it.


No extra license costs – MS PowerPoint installation is not required.