I found the training to be helpful and informative. I have some RPE experience, but yesterday’s training provided some very useful information that I will be able to apply to some of the templates that I have already created and currently working on.
DOORS View – number of columns limitation
- March 9th, 2011
- Author:
- Category: DOORS
- Discussion: No Comments
Using Rational Publishing Engine a DOORS user can generate a report from a specific view. In this way the user select what data needs on DOORS side, and use a standard RPE template (a simple table) to export data from that specific view.
Extracting OLEs from DOORS
- December 9th, 2010
- Author:
- Category: DOORS
- Discussion: No Comments
In this blog I’m going to explain how OLEs from Rational DOORS can be extracted in generated documents with Rational Publishing Engine. As you probably already know, OLEs (Object Linking and Embedding) can be placed in a DOORS module. First thing to do is to create a template in which you will extract the OLEs. All you [...]
Advanced topics about RPE and DOORS Filters
- October 29th, 2010
- Author:
- Category: DOORS
- Discussion: No Comments
In DOORS there are some special options when you define a DOORS Filter. The “Display Options” add some extra elements to the filtered content. In case when the user check the “Show all table cells” option, then all the tables will appear in the filtered view. This result is a mixture of filtered and non [...]
Getting DOORS irregular tables and specific DOORS properties into Word output through RPE
- October 22nd, 2010
- Author:
- Category: DOORS
- Discussion: 2 Comments
Throughout this article you’ll see how you can get some specific DOORS details from a module, like : – modification status – cell width – irregular tables – cell borders Here is the test module : … the RPE template : … and the output document : To obtain this “mirror image” of the DOORS module content, you can follow the indications bellow [...]
Extracting tables from Doors
- October 15th, 2010
- Author:
- Category: DOORS, RPE Template
- Discussion: 1 Comment
Rational Publishing Engine sees a DOORS table as a DOORS object child. To extract DOORS tables we will use a query like: Module/Object/Table. For example, let’s consider the following simple scenario: We want to extract from a DOORS module all objects. For each object we want to have in the output document the Object Heading attribute value and [...]
Define DOORS native filters in RPE
- September 18th, 2010
- Author:
- Category: DOORS
- Discussion: No Comments
Looking this week on the RPE Developer Works site, I’ve seen that a lot of Rational Publishing Engine users encounter real problems using DOORS Native filters in their templates, so I’ve decided to share some information about how to create such a filter.
Welcome to the GEBS Reporting Blog
- September 15th, 2010
- Author:
- Category: DOORS, RPE Launcher, RPE Template
- Discussion: No Comments
Hi All, We are glad to announce the launch of a new initiative called GEBS Reporting. We are a group of professionals specialized in providing reporting and document publishing services. This site aims to be a general reporting portal that can be utilized by Rational Publishing Engine users and consultants to share knowledge, hints and tips around [...]