Take control of your project portfolios reports and documents through automation of document generation and reporting processes in your company
We provide full reporting solutions to enable process and decision support and bridge the gap between business and development by centralizing information that is key to decision-making, status reporting, and portfolio reviews.
Document generation with Rational Publishing Engine
We provide out of the box templates for Unicom Focal Point to ensure the acceleration of the reporting process while complying with the market regulations.
Our experts work closely with you to gather requirements, author, validate and deploy RPE templates so that you can generate real-time reports using data from your business portfolios:
- Business Needs Assessment, Business Requirements Document
- Sustainability Reports, Feasibility reports
- Change Requests Evaluation
- Requirements documents
- Risk management plan
Send us an enquiryRequest information about Focal Point Reporting Solutions today
Documents can be provided to the end user in different formats: PDF, MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint.
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Take a look at some Focal Point documents designed by us
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GEBS Reporting is the leading independent supplier of RPE education and consultancy services, offering public and private training with focus on specific Rational Tools.
Our training classes range from beginner to intermediate and advanced levels, covering most of RPE features and the best practices for creating document templates.
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Custom solutions
AnyChart for Focal Point
GEBS Reporting and Decision Focus have developed together a new reporting engine that gives you any Excel chart automatically and directly loaded in Focal Point.
With AnyChart for Focal Point your organization can:
- Define custom charts in Excel and have them automatically published directly in Focal Point
- Exporting large amounts of data from Focal Point for Excel with predefined time intervals
- Change the data to be exported by simply selecting views in Focal Point
- Automatic display of Excel charts in Focal Point
You focus on the processing of data in Excel, AnyChart ensures that data is ready and that your charts are presented in Focal Point.
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