To configure outputs, you have to select Reports button from the top menu bar, select “My Reports” from the left sidebar and then select the category where is located the report you want to configure.
After opening the report, you will have to click the tab called“Outputs” . The outputs panel will expand. You can add more outputs by selecting the “Add Output” button . The dialog box will show up with the options available for the user to select (it is not possible to add two outputs of the same type).
The next action is to configure the output. After the property is modified, that field will be automatically surrounded. This will help the user to quickly see what is modified. To set a specific stylesheet (if the output type permit), click the Browse icon from the stylesheet property value field. The user can set up a specific stylesheet from stylesheets . When the user will modify a property value, then the Save button will be activated. In order to save the changes, the user should use the Save button.