Publish RPE documents directly from RQM Web UI

RQM Web UI allows users generate reports from pre-defined or custom templates. Custom templates can be built using RPE, uploaded in RQM and used to create reports that can later be made public to other users as well.

For this post I have created a simple RPE template that retrieves data from a test plan and the test cases contained in this test plan.
When I run my report from RQM I want to be able to choose the test plan from a list, not enter test plan urls or ids. In order to do this, I have to configurate the test plan data source in RPE as follows:
In the Outline view of the RPE template, under Data Source Schemas, right-click on the Test Plan schema and choose Edit Configuration Metadata

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Set the values as in the following screenshot:

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The url in the above image is:
This is used to retrieve the title of all test plans in the current project. Using the ${public} and ${projectAreaUUID} variables, you will be able to use the same template for reports on different servers or in different project areas.

After you created your template in RPE, you can upload it and create a report using it.
First, in the RQM top menu go to Reports and select Report Resources

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You will see a list of pre-defined templates. From the top right action menu, select Create Resource
If you go to Contents, select Browse and upload your template, you will see that the other fields are populated also. For instance, my template was named “template” and the fields were populated like this:

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After saving you should be able to see your template in the list of report resources

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Next, again from the RQM top menu go to Reports and this time select Create Report from Resource
Enter a name for the report, select your template from the resource list and select a folder where to add the report

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After saving the test plan report is loaded. If you click Browse in the TestPlan section you can see all the test plans in your project and select one of them.

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Click on Run and you can see the output right in RQM.

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You can also export the output as Word, PDF or XSL-FO using the Export action from the top right action menu

Other cool stuff you can do:

  • upload a specification and a stylesheet in the report resources and set the style of the document
  • run a VBA macro to control your output as much as you want
  • run traceability reports with data from other tools